
Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Mixed Colors and Fonts to Lynne (Alex's E)

There are several like this that will be popping up or have already popped up. Most of them have multiple stamps. Because I was tired of sifting through the random leftover stamps I decided to use a new stamp. I like the way it goes with the pretty blue Es. Plus it is an intaglio stamp which I love, love, love. Intaglio is the printing process that is like etching where the ink is slightly raised.

Plus - it gives me an opportunity to show my granddaughter's E. I recall making lots of Es like that when I was a pre-schooler. It warms my heart to see any kid who is inspired to make multiple cross-bars on an E. I have been tempted to show her how to do Es like that - but I refrained and am happy to see her doing it all on her own.

She has learned the lower case e - in pre-school. But does her brother Ben's name in all caps. For the longest time she wrote her name AXLE - now she does the Al - but ends with xe.

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