
Saturday, April 26, 2014

not just envelopes

i decided to mention letters today even though i maintain a pretty tight focus on envelopes. the image is a letter to mark twain
which i saw in an article linked below.

it's a fun article about letters. i hardly ever write a note or letter when i send an envelope. but, to me, my blog posts are like the notes and letters i would send, if i put anything in the envelopes.

the reason i do not like to write notes by hand is that i am the world's worst speller and i have become addicted to spell check. whenever i am trying to write a note, i am constantly stumped by words that i can't spell. so i end up trying to express myself using only words i can spell and then, it doesn't sound like me.

the article appeared in BrainPickings, which is a wonderful archive of articles and reviews. anyone needing a new place to surf will probably find interesting articles by looking along the side panels

here is the full article:

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